Development of programs and applications: Which programming language should I choose?
Surely many people know in general terms that programming is the creation of code on a PC, which will turn into a convenient program ...
A program for studying physics in 2D format. Download Algodoo
Physics is one of the most fundamental sciences that studies natural phenomena and the laws that underlie them. Traditionally, the study of physics requires ...
Virtual planetarium: WinStars 3 program
In the modern world, when experimental space exploration is still limited in scope and accessible only to a narrow circle of specialists, virtual planetariums ...
Anatomy in 3D Program: Complete Anatomy 2023
Everyone knows that Anatomy is a branch of Biology that studies the morphology (external and internal structure) of the body. And, of course, human ...
Mnemosyne memory cards Program
Mnemosyne is a free memory program that uses a spaced repetition method. It is available on various operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS ...
Notation editor MuseScore
For those who are inspired by the Muse of creativity, and, in particular, want to create music, this review is dedicated. With the development ...
Hierarchical table. Download TreeSheets
Your query must have been related to hierarchical tables since you ended up here. You can immediately tell that you have come to the ...
Genealogical tree. Free Gramps Program
Each of us has a family and there were our ancestors. Also, when we create a family, we continue our family. We maintain relationships ...
Teaching programming to children. Download Scratch program
In this category “Knowledge” sorted programs related to training, education, upbringing and development of all kinds of skills. Testing and checking knowledge also applies to this section. Here are all the relevant apps and digital tools associated with them.