MazeBuilder software for creating mazes

From early childhood we are interested in various puzzles and ways to solve them. This helps a person become more resourceful and more flexible. Even from ancient times, today you can find ancient labyrinths in drawings and even in the form of remains of buildings. You can also learn a lot about them from history and ancient mythology. The labyrinth motivates us to find a way out. And even a laboratory mouse is looking for a way out of the maze, motivated by a piece of cheese. Yes, we will talk about labyrinths below. Or rather, about a special application for creating them on a PC. MazeBuilder, a maze creation program, allows you to generate simple mazes.

Program for creating mazes MazeBuilder

Program for creating labyrinths

We can draw any labyrinth with a pencil on a piece of paper or a twig in the sand. The most important thing is that a labyrinth is a path tangled with restrictions, usually with various branches. The choice of the person going through the maze determines whether he will be able to leave the maze or reach the goal before certain conditions or not. Today such labyrinths can be created on a computer. For such purposes, a small program for creating mazes, MazeBuilder, was created. Using it, you can generate various rectangular labyrinths by simply setting the map resolution in the form of cells – square cells.

Free maze program MazeBuilder

So, MazeBuilder is a free application designed to randomly generate rectangular mazes based on square cells. This is a fairly simple software with the ability to customize the number of cells horizontally and vertically. The default is 30 by 30 cells. The maximum number of cells can reach up to 200. Using this software you can generate a maze with a specific upper entrance and lower exit. You can also make entry and exit random using a simple “Random Start and End” option. The program indicator will show the time it takes to create a new maze in milliseconds.

In addition, the MazeBuilder program has a function for automatically completing the maze. By clicking on the “Solve Maze” button, the program will draw a red line on the nearest path. Alternative nearby options will be marked in parallel with a gray line. Also in the program indicator you can view the time it takes to complete the maze in milliseconds. But it is unlikely that a simple user will be able to repeat the passage at the same speed.

The “Save Maze” button allows you to save the created maze in BMP format. You can print this graphic file on any printer or send it over the Internet to other users to solve the problem of finding an exit.

Walking through the maze in the MazeBuilder program

Program for creating labyrinths. Download MazeBuilder

The free program for creating mazes MazeBuilder can be downloaded from the official website using the links below. It does not require installation. Therefore, simply download the file to your PC, unzip it and run the Mazes.exe file. The program will open and you can start generating a new puzzle. Good luck, friends!





Here you can download files to install and run the program, as well as go to the developer’s main website (if it is currently supported). Please note that in cases where the download does not start for you, it is most likely blocked by your browser. Then you just need to copy the link (link address) to the file (Source 1) and paste it into a new tab (or new window). You can also select “Save link as” from the context menu. The download should start automatically. If you have any questions or difficulties, write in the comments. Let’s try to solve them.



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