The world-famous PDF format has won great loyalty to the audience of users. Files of this format can store information in text and graphic form at the same time. Therefore, it is convenient to store such files and read on many electronic devices. Someone has already prepared and created such files in advance so that the reader can later view this document. But what if such a user needs to create a similar file himself or edit it? In this case, you need a special program to create and edit PDF. And there is such a program – Icecream PDF Editor! You can download the PDF editor for free using the links from the official website below.
Free PDF editor
The big advantage is that the PDF editor is free. This program was created specifically for devices running on the Windows operating system (versions from 7 to 11 inclusive). There is also a PRO version, which expands the functions. But for simple creation and editing files all the basic features in the free version are still available. Icecream’s PDF editor has built-in features and tools.
PDF editor
Icecream PDF Editor opens 4 basic modes. These are PDF Editing, Working with Annotations, and Manage Pages and Fill Out Embedded Forms. All modes have additional special built-in tool sets.
And here’s something about them and working with them. When creating a page, you can add text, annotations, pictures, create and fill out forms, and more. The list of tools includes “Hand”, “Pointer for working with selected objects”, “Adding and editing text”, “Images”, as well as buttons for adding shapes: Circle, Square, Line and Arrow. All figures can be customized based on tasks. This is a change in the size of the shape, fill color, outline and transparency. The text of the notes can also be edited and customized to your liking.
If you compare the Pro version with the free version, it differs only in the presence of additional features, such as export to Word and scanning.
Another additional advantage of the Icecream PDF Editor program is multilingualism, which greatly expands the audience of users. Indeed, among paid counterparts, this application, being free, performs all the basic functions of a PDF file editor.
Download PDF editor for free
In order to use the program, you need to download, install and run it on your PC or any other device running on Windows OS. You can download the Icecream PDF editor for free using the links from the developers’ official page, which are listed below in the download area. Use them and install the program. After launch, you will have all the possibilities for editing PDF open.
PDF editor free download
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