When buying new equipment, or even more so if the equipment was in use, we always check it for integrity. Why do we need non-working equipment or a device with a flaw? We will do the same when buying with a monitor screen. Situations are different. Is there something wrong with your monitor? Probably not. But sooner or later there is a problem with the so-called broken pixels. And there is a special free application to restore the screen and points on it. Program for the treatment of dead pixels. PixelHealer is a utility that can programmatically restore the operation of glowing dots on a monitor screen in the Windows operating system.
Dead Pixel Detection
Earlier we have already said that the problem of corrupted dots on the screen occurs quite often for one reason or another. With Dead Pixel Tester InjuredPixels can identify problem areas. They will be clearly visible against a contrasting background, as they will glow in a different color. But for recovery, another program is needed. PixelHealer is a problem pixel treatment app developed by the same developer. Together, having the InjuredPixels and PixelHealer apps can take control of the screen. This is, of course, a joke. But with the help of this set of programs, you can diagnose and try to restore badly working pixels on the screen in the Windows environment.
Free program for dead pixels repair
A big advantage of the utility is its small size and simple functionality. The free PixelHealer program for the treatment of dead pixels is available to absolutely everyone and is distributed for free. The application is available for use as is, and the authors are not responsible for its use. Those. you can use it at your own peril and risk without any claims.
Broken pixels treatment
To restore poorly functioning dots on the screen, you first need to download PixelHealer from the developer’s website. Download links are provided below. Install the program or run the portable version. The treatment of dead pixels will be carried out programmatically. The program should open two windows during startup. The first is the recovery window. This is a small red window that, by blinking, will “regenerate” a dead pixel. The second window is large. It will have a menu with various settings and technical information.
To start treatment with the PixelHealer program, you need to put a small window in the area of the dead pixel. This can be done with the mouse cursor or with your finger if the screen is touch sensitive. After the red window is in the right place, click the “Start blinking” button, which is located in the large window.
If the pixel is not physically damaged, then the effect should be positive. There is a theory and practice in which during the fast switching (blinking) of RGB colors over a stuck or broken pixel, this point should be restored. Then check screen by InjuredPixels. If it doesn’t work the first time, repeat the procedure again. This can be done several times and until you see a positive result.
Naturally, there are cases in which the pixel cannot be restored programmatically, because it is physically damaged, for example, by a blow, or there is a marriage on the matrix. In such cases, hardware repairs are required.
In a large window or a window with settings, you can configure recovery modes and options. Use the slider to change the flashing speed. Flashing can be changed at 10ms intervals. During the treatment of dead pixels, you can experiment with the blinking speed. It’s likely that this could affect point recovery by giving it a nice shake with various modes.
Also, here you can change the size of the blinking window and its position. The size of the square can be changed from 1 to 500 pixels. Here you can also set the position of the restoring windows on top of all other windows.
RGB is provided with a simple standard palette consisting of Red, Green, Blue, Black and White. It is also possible to add your own, any custom color that you can choose from the available palette.
Download PixelHealer
To use the program, select any of the available versions, installation or portable. The program is able to work on all versions of Windows, starting with XP and ending with the 10th. (On the 11th still being tested). You can download PixelHealer from the links on the developer’s site from the download area. Install and run the program. Set the desired mode. Follow the instructions and try to repair dead pixels. We wish you success in restoring the screen!
A program for the treatment of dead pixels. PixelHealer
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