Music is a miracle available to all mankind, which makes the mood change and causes a storm of emotions and admiration. And all because the person himself is capable of its creation. One of the most common musical instruments is the piano, which belongs to the piano group. Given the popularity of this tool, with the development of technology, electronic versions have appeared. The Synthesia digital piano is more than just a keyboard. This is a piano trainer. Naturally, it is necessary to have a connected physical keyboard. Nothing without her! Moreover, our goal is to learn to play the piano.
Electronic piano
So, you need to connect an external keyboard to your PC. This is usually done through special cords, most often through USB connectors. An electronic piano of any brand is, in fact, a synthesizer that will work in conjunction with a personal computer. Any program that can work with MIDI or USB keyboards can be used for playback. In our case, we are using the Synthesia digital piano software. So, let’s move on to the application itself.
Piano trainer
For those who want to learn how to play music on a keyboard connected to a PC, you can use special programs. Of course, Synthesia is one of those programs. This is a piano simulator. The training is based on the principle of the game process in the form of falling notes. This allows even beginners who do not have basic skills to quickly learn how to play the piano. The free version has 20 (at the time of publication of the article) free to choose from popular melodies in the form of MIDI files, which will allow any user of a PC or any other supported device to start immediately after installing the program.
Virtual piano
To use the application, you must install it on your computer. Now we have both a physical version of the piano keyboard and a virtual piano created in the Synthesia program. The program is able to play any MIDI files. Falling notes appear on the screen during playback, which must be pressed synchronously on the connected keyboard. Until the note is played, the program will not let you move on. So you can play at any convenient pace.
Inside the Synthesia digital piano, there is a scoring system for tracking learning progress. Those. you can always see how well the user plays the piano at the moment and over a period of time. In the paid version of the Synthesia program, you can use all the available tunes that you can buy from the music store. Although, as for beginners, the free version will be enough. In the purchased one, all the maximum capabilities of the simulator will be open. This paid subscription to use the application will be for life! To date, there are versions for systems such as Windows, MacOs, Android, IOS for iPad.
Synthesia download
You can download the Synthesia digital piano using the links from the official website, which can be found in the download section. Download the required version of the digital product for your device and install. Connect the keyboard and synchronize with the electronic simulator. Use on health!
Synthesia Digital Piano
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