Active people not only surf the Internet, but also try to create something of their own. Someone is promoting a Telegram channel or any other social network. Some people create Video content and publish it on YouTube in an attempt to earn their hard-earned money. Someone is streaming. But, perhaps, all projects are supported by maintaining their own website. After all, a website can be either a business card or a full-fledged large multilateral project. As a result, most users sell something: themselves as a media personality, goods and services as a source of income. A banal online store is also a website, only with the ability to sell something. But what is the best way to make websites? Most will choose WordPress. So what is good about WordPress? The most popular CMS is our answer. And not only ours.
Internet and dynamic sites
With the development of technology and the accessibility of the Internet, dynamic websites have become an integral part of our lives. Dynamic sites allow users to interact with content interactively, leave comments, upload files, and perform various other actions. To create such sites, you need to use special software known as a CMS or, when deciphered, this abbreviation sounds like this: content management system. Among the many CMS on the market, WordPress is very popular and fastest in most countries.
Popular CMS in the world
Many different CMS have been developed for a long time. Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Opencart and some others occupy a leading position among all others. By some estimates, more than 45% of websites worldwide are built on WordPress. This loyalty is not accidental and is explained by the many advantages of this CMS.
What is good about WordPress?
- Simplicity and accessibility
One of the main advantages of the WordPress CMS is its ease of use. A user, even without knowledge and skills in web development, is able to create a website and manage it using this CMS. This system provides a simple, easy-to-understand interface for editing site content, adding new pages, designing articles, and uploading multimedia files.
- Versatility
WordPress is also famous for its versatility. There are a large number of plugins and design themes that allow you to add different functionality to your website. Whether you need to add an image gallery, various forms of communication, or an online store, WordPress allows anyone to find the right extension.
- Fan community
This control system has a very large community of developer fans. This means that here you can most often find support and help in cases where problems and current issues arise. There are many online forums, social media groups and other sources where you can find answers to your questions.
- Optimization andSEO
For all sites, a kind of rating and so-called “visibility” in search engines, such as Google, are important. In our case, WordPress contains a huge number of tools for SEO Optimization. Using various plugins, for example, YoastSEO, you can easily optimize your content, keywords and phrases, as well as other factors that affect the ranking of the user’s site in well-known and popular search engines.
The most popular CMS. It happened like this: Why?
The question of why WordPress is the most popular management system has several answers. First, as mentioned earlier, is simplicity. Yes, those who use this CMS know how easy it is to learn. Beginners and professionals can easily create their websites based on WordPress.
Secondly, with the help of WordPress you can implement even complex projects, for example a Blog, Forum, News site, Online Encyclopedia, Bulletin Board or Web store. For example, development of an online store on WordPress and its subsequent promotion on the global network can in the near future generate loyal customers and, most importantly, sales! This lightweight platform can compete even with large online trading whales.
Thirdly, WordPress has in its online database a huge number of different plugins and themes (paid and free) for every taste. This allows any user to customize the created resource according to their needs and provide unique style and functionality.
The fourth important factor is updates and professional support. This CMS is constantly being improved, releasing new releases with improved security and tools. This ensures long-term site sustainability and security.
What does a beginner need to start with WordPress?
If you’re new to using this CMS, it’s easy to get started. You will need hosting for the site on which it will be hosted, and a unique domain name. As part of their marketing, hosting providers often offer automatic one-click installation of WordPress. And this makes the startup process even easier.
Then you need to choose the most suitable thematic design (theme) for the website being developed. Many free options are available directly from the backend or admin menu. Choose the theme that best suits your content, needs, and style.
After installing the theme, you can fill the site itself with content. Adding articles, pages and multimedia content is very fast and resembles working in a regular text editor, for example in Microsoft Word.
Learning to make your own websites
The opportunity available to almost any user to learn how to create their own websites is an exciting and important aspect of website building. Starting with simple blogs and moving on to more complex projects can expand your knowledge and practical skills over time.
There are many online learning resources, practice materials, and reference materials available on the Internet. You can learn HTML, CSS, various web development languages to customize your plugins and your unique themes. This opens up a world of possibilities for you to create quite functional and original websites.
WordPress is not just a CMS. It can be called a powerful tool for creating and managing websites. The commitment of the majority of loyal users to this system is explained by its ease of management, rich functionality, and responsive, prompt support. For beginners, it is a great way to start their journey in web development, and for professionals, it is a reliable tool for creating professional websites. Create, experiment and learn with this platform!
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