Program for beads EasyBeadPatterns

Dedicated to creative people! The program for beads EasyBeadPatterns is a free digital product for those who like to paint with beads. There are not so many similar programs on the Internet. For those who are passionate about this wonderful activity, like beading, this tool is dedicated. This small application allows you to create bead patterns. This software product has sets of 575 beads and 11 palettes in two types of Delica pattern and Hex Cut hexagonal. Here you can create drawings using any of the built-in palettes.

Beadwork program scheme

The beading program has a simple set of settings and tools. Everything is intuitive. The dimensions of the pattern for embroidery or weaving with beads are set by the number of rows and columns, which can be adjusted to your liking. You can also set the number of beads colors. But, with all this, it is important to remember that the more colors, the more difficult it will be to do the work with your hands. The working field immediately displays the pattern in the form of virtual beads and can be scaled. Enlarging or reducing the picture, you can achieve full compliance with the desired result.

Each bead of beads or each color has its own unique catalog name. So when choosing colors it will be difficult to make a mistake in the future. You can also apply built-in filters to the created drawings. Of the simple tools, it is important to note the eyedropper and color fill, as well as various shapes that can be applied directly to the selected area. Also, the image can be shifted, rotated, reflected vertically and horizontally.

Editing the location and color of the beads is carried out in stages. The program for beads EasyBeadPatterns has the ability to roll back and forth, that is, in steps. The created project can be saved for further editing. If the drawing is completed, it can be printed out and, according to the created pattern, create an original weaving or beadwork. EasyBeadPatterns is a very handy tool for those who are just starting to learn or are really interested in this creative direction.

Download bead embroidery program

EasyBeadPatterns has been developed and released for two popular platforms namely Windows and MacOS. Therefore, you can download one or another version, depending on the device, using the download links. The program has been translated into several popular languages ​​for greater convenience.

Program for beads EasyBeadPatterns


Program for beads EasyBeadPatterns EasyBeadPatterns Program for embroidery and weaving with beads



Here you can download files to install and run the program, as well as go to the developer’s main website (if it is currently supported).


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